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Monday, March 16, 2009

Roy Rogers

I had the chance to meet Jay Silverheels [Tonto] at the Lions Bluegrass Fair in Lexington back in the middle 60s when I was around 10 years old. My Dad handled the advertising for the Fair and the family went the night Jay was headlined. I chickened out, but my Mom got Jay's autograph. I understand that he was quite a successful businessman. My real childhood hero, however, was Roy Rogers. He and Dale made quite an impact on my early years. Actually, they still are impacting my life. I just ran across another of Dale's books at an anitques show this past weekend. It is a collection of letters to her son, Tom, that was released back in 1957. Even years after she is gone, she is "helping" me through the horrific spiritual valleys where I currently walk.

1 comment:

Penny Auction said...


Great information and it is a collection of letters to her son, Tom, that was released back in 1957. Even years after she is gone, she is "helping" me through the horrific spiritual valleys where I currently walk.